Piper turns 23 months old today.
- weighs about 32.8 pounds
- wears size 6 diapers
- wears mostly size 24 months/ 2T clothes (but she’s been wearing some 3T too)
- wears size 8 shoes
- talks a lot and makes lots of observations like “Poppy crying,” “Mommy talking”
- can recognize shapes and attempts to draw them
- can count to 13
- likes: Poppy, reading books, singing songs, swinging, playing hide-and-seek, flashcards, watching football- it’s the only TV she’s allowed to watch (guess who’s idea that is)
- dislikes: when animals get too close to her
Piper has recently learned to play hide-and-seek, but she’s not very good at it. Not surprising since she is not even 2 yet, but she tries. She will cover her eyes, count, and then go hide. She also likes someone to hide with her, so if Chad is not home, then she and I have to hide and wait for Poppy to come find us.