Did you hear me?

Does anyone listen to 88.1 Way FM in the morning?  The show is “Mornings with Brant.”  If you were listening yesterday around 7:20, you might have heard me on the radio.  I was the one who won the kamikaze karaoke.  Brant played his accordion and sang a line from Little Drummer Boy.  “Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum”  Two people before me guessed, but were wrong.  Then, when they got to me, I sang “The ox and lamb kept time, ba rum bum bum bum.”  He acted like he wasn’t going to give it to me because I said “ba rum bum bum bum” instead of “pa rum pum pum pum,” but they eventually decided that I won!  I won a CD, but I don’t even know what it is yet.  I thought that was cool because it’s not just a local station or anything.  The best part was that they recorded it during a commercial break so I had time to call Chad and tell him to turn it to 88.1 and he was able to listen to it.  Anyway, did anybody else hear me?

Happy Columbus Day!

Usually, we never get Columbus day off at school, but for some reason we did this year.  I think it was simply to give all of us teachers one more day of fall break.  I have been on fall break all week, and I finally have to go back tomorrow.  Am I ready?  No.  I haven’t done a bit of schoolwork since we got out of school.  That is why it is so fortunate that I get this day to do all the work I should have done over the break.  On Friday before I left, I put up a new bulletin board for fall.  I told someone that I knew once I got a taste of lazy, I wouldn’t want to do it anymore.  It’s true.  And here I am writing a post instead of doing what I should.  So, I must go to school now and put in grades, make new seating charts, and prepare lessons.  Happy Columbus day!