Piper’s First Solid Food

We started Piper on “solid” food this weekend. It is squash. I would love to feed her all the stuff I don’t like and maybe she won’t be as picky as me.


Piper Smiles

I received a great Christmas present this December 25th. Piper (while awake) smiled a big smile at me. It was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Since then, Chad has been trying to get her to smile at him. She finally did the other day and he’s now hooked. He smiles and talks funny to her trying to get a little glimpse of that adorable grin. They don’t happen too often yet, but we were able to capture one the other day.

Piper Smiling

Piper’s New Belly Button

A baby’s umbilical cord stump typically falls off sometime between 10 and 21 days. Piper held on to to hers until she was 43 days old. It finally fell off Sunday night and I noticed it while changing her diaper in the middle of the night.