Piper vs Poppy at 6 months
Piper and Poppy with Santa
Piper- 2 Years Old
This will be the last monthly post about Piper, so forgive me as I share way more about my baby girl (some may say toddler) than you care to know.
Piper is 2 years old today… She
- weighs about 32 pounds
- is about 35 3/4 inches tall
- wears size 3T clothes
- wears size 8 shoes
- wears size 6 diapers (She will be potty trained by the next post I’m sure)
- has 16 teeth
- has still never had a haircut
- knows her colors
- can identify some letters (P, W, M, O, N, A, Y)
- can identify some number (0, 1, 2)
- can climb (up stairs, into chairs, on tables)
- can draw lines and circles
- can not jump with both feet leaving the floor
- very good about saying please and usually thank you
Piper is so sweet and kind hearted. I love to see her hug her friends on her own, share her toys, and say “I love you, Mommy” many times a day.
If you ask Piper how to spell her name, she will say P-I-N-G-O or P-I-R.
When you ask Piper to sing a song, she starts singing “Jesus loves me, this I know…” She loves to listen to music and asks for songs often. She really likes The Wheels on the Bus and will ask for “wheel bus” while motioning round and round with her arms. She knows the lyrics too and will sometimes tell me what comes next. In the car, she asks for “ammals” or “2 bite” which is a song about animals coming 2 by 2 and makes a bunch of animal sounds.
Piper speaks pretty well and talks all the time. It’s sweet to hear her chatting away in her crib in the morning. She can’t say s blends, so she says “foon” (spoon) and “fit up” (spit up). Common phrases of Piper’s: “Yook, Mommy, yook” (Look), “My do it!”, “No, Daddy. Top it!” (stop it) “I need it”, “I no like it” “I uh know” (I don’t know) “Read, book, Daddy”, “Cheese” {when you ask her to smile} “Poppy, what’s wrong” “Don’t cry, Poppy”, “Her lookin”, “I see Poppy”, “I kiss Poppy”, and especially today, “happy birthday.”
Piper seems to like Poppy a lot most times. She always asks about her when she wakes up, gets picked up from school, or even when she is sitting right next to her. She likes to kiss her and pat her back. If you ask her what her baby doll’s name is, she’ll say Poppy.
Piper is not potty-trained yet, but we are in no hurry. I don’t think she knows the difference yet when she pees and poops. She has gone successfully many times, so I don’t think it’ll be too long. We did a little “poo poo in the potty” song and dance when she went and so she does the little dance now too. It’s so cute! Chad started giving her a smartie candy when she goes in the potty and now she asks for candy the moment she sits on the toilet. The smarties were really exciting, but she seemed more interested in carrying them around the house than eating them. Sometimes she asks to go to the potty just so she can delay bedtime or if Poppy’s getting too much attention. She always has to go potty when she is in timeout.
For her birthday, Piper got a play kitchen with little food items. Her favorite things are the cup and utensils. She’ll carry them around and ask “Want some, Mommy?” If you ask her what it is, she says its a strawberry, hot dog, or she doesn’t know. Lately, she loves to pretend that she is squirting us with the ketchup bottle (which we pretend is jelly).
Bedtime is usually a sweet time. She gets a bath about every other day. Then we put her in her pajamas and a sleep sack, brush her teeth, read her the story “Goodnight Sleepyhead”, say our prayers, and give hugs and kisses. She still sleeps in a crib with a blanket and 4 stuffed animals (seahorse, giraffe, bear, and elephant lovie).
We love Piper so much and can’t wait to watch her grow and see who she becomes!
Piper and Poppy at 1 Month
Piper- 23 Months Old
Piper turns 23 months old today.
- weighs about 32.8 pounds
- wears size 6 diapers
- wears mostly size 24 months/ 2T clothes (but she’s been wearing some 3T too)
- wears size 8 shoes
- talks a lot and makes lots of observations like “Poppy crying,” “Mommy talking”
- can recognize shapes and attempts to draw them
- can count to 13
- likes: Poppy, reading books, singing songs, swinging, playing hide-and-seek, flashcards, watching football- it’s the only TV she’s allowed to watch (guess who’s idea that is)
- dislikes: when animals get too close to her
Piper has recently learned to play hide-and-seek, but she’s not very good at it. Not surprising since she is not even 2 yet, but she tries. She will cover her eyes, count, and then go hide. She also likes someone to hide with her, so if Chad is not home, then she and I have to hide and wait for Poppy to come find us.
Piper and Poppy Videos
Piper meets Poppy for the first time.
Piper thinks about holding Poppy.
Piper- 22 Months Old
Piper turns 22 months old today.
- weighs about 32 pounds
- wears size 6 diapers
- wears mostly size 24 months / 2T clothes
- wears size 8 shoes
- can count 1 to 10 missing a few numbers here and there
- can say the alphabet, but not very well
- car seat has moved behind the driver to make way for Poppy
- getting very picky about what she eats
- likes: cleaning, yogurt, number flash cards, peanut butter, medicine
- dislikes: not being picked up when she asks, new teeth
Piper’s back molars are coming in and this has caused her to be extra fussy. This plays itself out at school by kids crowding her and not backing off so she starts to “explore them with her mouth” (bite).
Piper- 21 Months Old
Piper turns 21 months old today.
- weighs about 31.5 pounds
- wears size 5 diapers, but size 6 are coming
- wears mostly size 24 months clothes
- wears size 8 shoes
- talks a lot and uses short sentences like ” I drop it” and “Mommy get it”
- says “I luh boo” (I love you) without being prompted
- actually colors with crayons, etc. herself
- has started back to school as an orange tiger
- sings songs, but skips words
- likes: dancing, listening to songs, climbing, splashing, buckling her car seat, putting on shoes (it doesn’t matter if they are hers), bubble baths
- dislikes: not getting to put on her own shoes or shorts.
Piper is using common phrases, but she sometimes mixes them up. Recently, she passed gas and said, “you’re welcome.”
Piper- 20 Months Old
Piper turns 20 months old today.
- weighs about 30.5 pounds
- wears size 5 diapers
- wears mostly size 18-24 months clothes
- wears size 6 shoes
- is putting words together like “more please” and “daddy walk”
- says “I luh boo” (I love you)
- likes to hold crayons in one hand and have someone else color on paper for her
- has still only pee-peed and poo-pood in the potty a few times
- tries to put pants on herself (even if it’s really a shirt)
- no longer uses a pacifier
- likes: slides, swinging, fish, spinning in a circle, motioning to songs like itsy bitsy spider, splashing, watching and playing with other kids, giving hugs (that’s a like for me too)
- dislikes: diaper rash
I got my first eye roll from Piper the other day. We saw a fly while eating outside and I quoted one of her books, “no, fly, no… so go, fly, go.” She looked at me, no smile or anything, and rolled her eyes. What I think really happened was that the wind blew her hair on her forehead and she was just looking up to see what it was. Either that, or she was just reminding me that school was getting ready to start again, so I need to prepare myself for some 8th grade behaviors.