Hot Rods Game

Wow!  Two posts in one day.  Can you tell school is almost over?

Tonight I went to my first Bowling Green Hot Rods game.  The Hot Rods are the new minor league baseball team that just started their season last week.  My friend, Kristine, chose the name for the team and was given season tickets.  She was kind enough to invite me along to this game against West Virginia Power (which the Hot Rods won by the way).  It was a great night and a lot of fun, and the weather was perfect.  The stadium was really nice and clean.  They, of course, had a lot going on throughout the game, like sumo wrestling and the smile cam, which made it really entertaining.  I think they should add the kiss cam to the list of activities, but it didn’t matter tonight since Chad wasn’t there.  It’s kind of neat to have something like this so close to home.  I will definitely go again.  Thanks Kristine for winning the tickets and for inviting me to go!  It was fun!

Superbowl Yummies

Here at the Webb home, we celebrate with sweet treats.  The Superbowl was no exception.  Check out these cute Rice Krispy Treat footballs I made for the big game.  They have peanut butter in them and are delicious!  They kind of look like meat, so Chad said to tell people they were sausage balls.  I guess you could make football-shaped sausage balls or mini meat-loafs then pipe mashed potatoes for the laces.  Who knows?  Maybe I will try it sometime.


Deep down I knew it would happen. I knew that this “perfect” season they had would blow up in their face the first playoff game they had. I would have rather they had a Bengals like season instead of doing wondefully all year and then choke in the post season. This season could only end with a trip to the Superbowl to be considered successful.

The rest of the playoffs I am for the Cards, at least they were mediocre all season and it’s suprising how well they have done in the playoffs.

At least I have the WKU vs U of L win to get me through these next few months.