Did you hear me?

Does anyone listen to 88.1 Way FM in the morning?  The show is “Mornings with Brant.”  If you were listening yesterday around 7:20, you might have heard me on the radio.  I was the one who won the kamikaze karaoke.  Brant played his accordion and sang a line from Little Drummer Boy.  “Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum”  Two people before me guessed, but were wrong.  Then, when they got to me, I sang “The ox and lamb kept time, ba rum bum bum bum.”  He acted like he wasn’t going to give it to me because I said “ba rum bum bum bum” instead of “pa rum pum pum pum,” but they eventually decided that I won!  I won a CD, but I don’t even know what it is yet.  I thought that was cool because it’s not just a local station or anything.  The best part was that they recorded it during a commercial break so I had time to call Chad and tell him to turn it to 88.1 and he was able to listen to it.  Anyway, did anybody else hear me?

I’m a Mac

I recently received a brand new MacBook from my work.  I’m really excited about it.  A couple months ago, I went to some training on how to use a MacBook because our school now has a mobile lab of 30 McBooks.  Ever since then, I’ve felt really comfortable using the laptops, and I’m glad I am now considered a proud “custodian” of one.  It doesn’t quite have the same ring as proud owner, but it is technically still Simpson County property.  I had to apply for it and accept responsibility for it if anything happens to it, but I still get to use it as if it were my very own.  Now I can join Chad on the couch as we watch TV and play on our (employer’s) computers.  Talk about quality time!

First Uppercase Living Party

For those of you who don’t know, I have started selling Uppercase Living products.  These are cute vinyl expressions that can be placed on walls or other surfaces.  There were too many that I wanted, so I knew I couldn’t just buy the products.   Chad would not have let me get all the things I wanted if I had to pay for them.  So, my only option was to sell them myself.  I’ve never wanted to do something like this before.  I always felt like these jobs were a nuisance to friends.  I don’t want to bug my friends to buy things or make them feel like I’m constantly trying to sell them things.  Hopefully, I won’t have to do that.  I really think the Uppercase Living items sell themselves, especially if you are in to decorating your home.  Here is a picture of something I made tonight by putting Uppercase Living products that I created on a tile I bought at Lowes.

Well, anyway, tonight I had my first party and I played hostess too.  I invited over some friends to check out the Uppercase Living and so I could practice.  Only 3 girls were able to come, so it was a pretty intimate event.  I think it was a little weird presenting to my friends.  It probably would have been easier if I had been talking to a group of strangers.  Once again, I really don’t want to bug my friends.  I don’t want to risk harming a relationship because I seem pushy.  Overall, it was a nice evening, and I’m glad I’ve got my first party under my belt.

One of the best things about the party was the refreshments.  We had sausage balls, cheese ball, bread and bacon dip, and my new favorite Funfetti cake cookies.  The cookie recipe can be found on the side of a Funfetti cake mix.  They taste like a combination of sugar cookies and cake batter.  You top them with the rainbow chip icing and you have a super yummy dessert that no one can resist.  I think I might have to go get one now.

Happy Columbus Day!

Usually, we never get Columbus day off at school, but for some reason we did this year.  I think it was simply to give all of us teachers one more day of fall break.  I have been on fall break all week, and I finally have to go back tomorrow.  Am I ready?  No.  I haven’t done a bit of schoolwork since we got out of school.  That is why it is so fortunate that I get this day to do all the work I should have done over the break.  On Friday before I left, I put up a new bulletin board for fall.  I told someone that I knew once I got a taste of lazy, I wouldn’t want to do it anymore.  It’s true.  And here I am writing a post instead of doing what I should.  So, I must go to school now and put in grades, make new seating charts, and prepare lessons.  Happy Columbus day!

Look-alikes Part II

We all know that Chad looks like Ben Affleck, but I too have been told that I look like certain celebrities.  Here are some that I have heard: Celine Dion, one of the Dixie Chicks, and that girl from the “America’s Best” commercial.

Chad Affleck

Jennie and I went to Brusters tonight (b/c it was raining) and the girl there said I looked like Ben Affleck. It really cracked me up, but I totally see it.

Garmin Nuvi 260

Things are slow here on the blog, so here is a little information for you. We (meaning me) bought one of these Nuvi 260 GPSsss from Garmin. We used some of our wedding Target cash. We should have it next week and that means that no matter where we are going, I am going to use the GPS to find it. To work…use the GPS. To WKU…use the GPS. To the bathroom…use the GPS.

Jennie was pretty excited especially because of the fly accessories that you can get for it.

Also there are some awesome movies out right now that we need to see. There are also some not so awesome ones out that make my soul cry.