Did you hear me?

Does anyone listen to 88.1 Way FM in the morning?  The show is “Mornings with Brant.”  If you were listening yesterday around 7:20, you might have heard me on the radio.  I was the one who won the kamikaze karaoke.  Brant played his accordion and sang a line from Little Drummer Boy.  “Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum”  Two people before me guessed, but were wrong.  Then, when they got to me, I sang “The ox and lamb kept time, ba rum bum bum bum.”  He acted like he wasn’t going to give it to me because I said “ba rum bum bum bum” instead of “pa rum pum pum pum,” but they eventually decided that I won!  I won a CD, but I don’t even know what it is yet.  I thought that was cool because it’s not just a local station or anything.  The best part was that they recorded it during a commercial break so I had time to call Chad and tell him to turn it to 88.1 and he was able to listen to it.  Anyway, did anybody else hear me?