Poppy is 5 months old today! She…
- weighs about 16.4 pounds
- wears size 6 months clothes
- wears size 2 diapers
- isn’t sleeping through the night again yet
- is getting her first tooth
- laughs and smiles all the time
- had to stop eating cereal because it hurt her tummy
- is starting baby food- tried sweet potatoes yesterday
- is sitting up on her own a little
- likes: chewing on her hands, toys that make rustling noises, holding onto things, looking at the tv
- dislikes: getting her face wiped
During this month’s “photo shoot,” I mentioned to Chad that Poppy looked like she could just fall right out of the chair. Seconds later, she did just that- head first toward the ground. Fortunately, I caught her… by her face.