This Saturday morning, Chad and I packed our bags and headed out on the road with one thing in mind… Celine Dion! Ok, Chad, not so much, but I was looking forward to that evening when Celine would be in concert in Atlanta. Jessie and I were able to go thanks to Brendan. He bought her tickets and invited me to go with her. My sisters, my mom, and I saw Celine Dion in concert in Las Vegas back in ’04, and Jessie and I had both gotten her newest CD for Christmas last year, so we were super excited about seeing her again. We had high expectations, and we hoped that this concert would be better than the show in Vegas.

You see, the costume changes in Vegas were what seemed like 30 minutes as we watched practically a ballet. That wasn’t so bad, but when she started to sing “Love Can Move Mountains,” she told everyone to stand, and so we did. Then, on the next song, she said to stay standing. How could refuse? Celine Dion just told us to stand. Well, apparently, the people behind us didn’t like that and a gentleman commanded, “Young lady, this is not a rock concert. Sit down.” We didn’t right away, but we eventually chickened out and sat. It kind of ruined the rest of the concert for us.

Well, this time in Atlanta, we had a much better time. The costume changes were a lot faster, and no one told us to sit down. I felt like it was more of concert where we could sing along (which we did) and not just passively watch a show. It was a great time!
I was off school on Monday for MLK day, so Chad took off too. We had a nice long weekend and were able to see the Bodies Exhibition, which the rest of the Webbs saw over the summer. It was pretty interesting. The body is so complex. Who else, but God, could have designed something so amazing? It kind of makes me appreciate doctors, who have to understand all of the things that make us function. The neatest part was seeing real embryos and fetuses at different ages (2 weeks up to 28 weeks). It is incredible to see how small we begin and how quickly a baby forms into being.

They had a combo for the Bodies exhibit and another tour called “Dailog in the Dark.” It was a tour guided by a blind person, and it is in complete darkness. We each got walking canes to help, but we mostly had to rely on our other senses. It was really cool. At first, it was a little scary. I guess that is because it reminded me of a haunted house, and I feared any moment someone would jump out to scare me. It also made me nervous because there were 8 of us, and the first thing our guide said was, “Come toward my voice and go through this door.” I thought, we’re all going to run into each other. As it turns out, there was a lot of that, but no one ever got hurt. Once I got used to it, I just remembered what they had told us before the tour- no where else would we be able to experience something like this in a safe environment.
Knowing that it was safe, I let go and explored the surroundings. We both had a lot of fun, and I was trying to be the first person to find the things the guide asked us to find or describe to her what I felt. I think Chad and I were the best. I found the cooler at the grocery store and Chad was able to identify the type of car parked on the side of the street. I won’t tell you what it was in case you get to go. If you do get a chance to check it out, I would defeintely recommend Dialog in the Dark. It is a very unique experience, and it helps you appreciate what you have.