Pappaw goes to D.C.

My grandfather served in WWII, and was recently offered a trip to Washington, D.C. to visit the WWII memorial.  He went yesterday with his friend from church, Elmer, who also served in the war, my dad, and many other veterans.  This was a free trip that was offered to veterans of WWII.  It is amazing that he got to go on this trip.  He is 92 years old and hasn’t been in the greatest health lately.  He was scheduled to go on the last trip in August, but then he ended up having to have to have surgery.  Thankfully, he is doing better and was able to make the trip.  From what I heard, he had a really great time.

Here is the story in the Washington Post.  My grandpa is the 3rd man mentioned, James “Nick” Nicholson. He is the man farther back in the picture.

One Reply to “Pappaw goes to D.C.”

  1. This was also the first time Papaw had flown on a plane in all of his 92 years. The flight attendant was confused and asked how he had gotten to the other countries where he had served. I guess she had never heard of a boat.

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