Mrs. Webb

Well, a new school year is quickly approaching.  I go back to school this Wednesday and the kids start back a week later.  Some people may have thought that Franklin Simpson Middle School got a new math teacher, but no, Ms. Nicholson is now Mrs. Webb.  It’s crazy to think that I will never have that name again.  It is so much fun changing all my classroom things to my new name.  Although it is a little more work, it’s neat to think that the students I get this year will never know me as anything but Mrs. Webb.  I even thought that it’s kind of like starting over; any negative things that were said about Ms. Nicholson have hopefully left with the name.  (Not that I think there are a lot, but you know, you can’t please everybody).  Previously, I had my name by my door with some letters that I found and some green construction paper that have faded over the past 4 years.  Last week, however, I went to the Parent-Teacher Store and picked out some pretty colored lettering to proudly display my new name on my classroom door.  It looks pretty good if I do say so myself.

Also in my classroom is a lovely flower pot that looks very teacherly with a ruler painted around the top.  It too says Mrs. Webb, but it wasn’t made for me.  This belonged to Chad’s mom, Paulette Webb.    I also have a board eraser and little desk figure that say Mrs. Webb.  The desk even says #1 teacher.  We found these things in his garage while we were clearing stuff out.  I had asked Chad before if he knew of anything from teaching that had her name on it, but he didn’t.  So, we were pretty excited to find them.  I think it is pretty cool that we’re both teachers, and I think its is very special to have those in my classroom.

5 Replies to “Mrs. Webb”

  1. I’m glad to see that you can use some of Paulette’s teaching decorations for your classroom. I know she would be very pleased and if she was alive today she would be out there helping you decorate. She loved teaching and did a lot for her kids. Have a good year Jennie and we will meet soon I’m sure.

  2. Jennie – I love the letters you picked out for your name! So cute! Also, I know that Paula would be so thrilled to have a daughter-in-law that is also a teacher. I can’t think of anyone she would rather have using her teacher stuff than you. 🙂

  3. Unfortunately, the “Mrs. Webb” flower pot was broken yesterday. The custodian was dusting under it and accidentally dropped it. She threw it away, so I don’t know if it was salvageable. It is expected that things will get broken in a classroom, and it was only a thing. But it was pretty special to have something of Chad’s mom’s.

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